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Episode 41

The may festival finally begins. But Annie, Archie and Stear aren't very happy because of the fact that Candy isn't allowed to come. Candy watches the festival from the window of the room where she stays as punishment and she is sad for not being allowed to participate in the festival. Patty comes secretly from the nuns and gives Candy a parcel sent by Mr William. In the parcel there is a letter from Mr William saying that he won't be able to come to the festival and two dresses which are the costumes of Romeo and Juliet. Candy doesn't understand why he sent her costumes of both boy and girl but it gives her an idea.

She wears Romeo's costume and goes to the ballroom. She sees Annie and wants to dance with her.

At first, Annie is surprised but when she understands that "he" is Candy she is very happy. Elisa sees "him" too but doesn't understand that "he" is Candy and wants to dance with her. So she makes Archie dance with Annie to dance with "him" but Candy refuses to dance with her saying that she has other things to do.
Elisa doesn't understand why that "handsome boy" rejected her and follows "him". Candy who thinks that nobody sees her takes off her wig. Elisa is surprised to see that the boy was Candy and goes to tell her friends about that. Candy changes her clothes and wears Juliet's costume. Suddenly she hears Terry's laughing voice from a tree. He goes down the tree and tells her that Elisa saw her while she was changing her clothes. Then he brings her to the Second Pony's Hill. He tells her the only good memory of his childhood with his father and his mother. Then they hear some music and Terry invites Candy to dance with him. But the music is the same one that she heard when she first danced with Anthony. When she says that to Terry, he gets angry and they dispute.
Candy doesn't want to accept Anthony's death and the fact that she thinks always Anthony disturbs Terry. Finally Terry leaves there.
Candy goes back to the ballroom. As Elisa waits her in Romeo's costume she doesn't notice her. Candy wants Patty to meet Stear but she doesn't need to do something for that: while everybody dances, Patty and Stear bump together and they drop their glasses. They find each other better without glasses so they decide to dance without them.

Later Candy and her friends talk happily. Meanwhile Elisa and her friend Louise want to go to Candy's room to see if she is still there. So they get permission to "bring some fruits to their friend Candy" from Sister Grey. Candy hears their conversation so she runs to the room, while Annie and Patty tries to keep Elisa busy to win some time. But they fail and before that Candy enters the room Elisa and Louise arrive there. But suddenly they see that there is someone under the cover in the bed. Annie and Patty who think that it is Candy are relieved, while Elisa gets angry and leaves the room with Louise. Then Candy enters from the window. Annie and Patty are surprised to see her and wonder who is under the cover. It is Terry who was hiding there thinking that Candy can have some trouble.

Finally in the evening Elisa sees Candy in her school uniform and wants to complain about it.

But Sister Grey tells her that she let Candy see the festival's end. Candy is very happy and has tears of joy in her eyes.